Unrequited Love

unrequited love

Unrequited love is something normal, almost all of us have experienced it at some point in our lives. We fixated on inadequate people who didn’t feel the same. What I would like to convey in this article is that you should not take one as if something is wrong with you, it has nothing to do with your personal worth.

I see around me many people emotionally dependent on people who cannot bring them happiness, we seem to be living an epidemic of pathological love and the worst thing is that they do not realize they have a problem, they need to look for more reachable people. Often, behind the phrase “I never respond, what bad luck”, hides the fear of making a commitment, causing us to unconsciously get involved with people who are out of our reach, or the excuse that we’ve dated for a long time. time, you are married, or the age difference is too important, etc…

So, by fixating on someone incompatible with us, we don’t run the risk of compromising. Many, without realizing it, get involved in platonic loves in which the person conforms to the friendship of the one who loves, even if it doesn’t lead to anything, live in illusions, not understanding that what should be done is to cut off contact and keep meeting other people. Otherwise, you will fall into a loving stagnation.

love is pure chemistry

Have you ever stopped to wonder why you fall in love with certain people and not others? Certainly he’s already met beautiful and ideal people, but without knowing why, he wasn’t attracted. And also the other way around, you may have already met someone who wasn’t especially handsome, but had something that appealed to you. It’s hard to rationalize love.  It doesn’t depend on beauty, nor on the position you occupy, nor on the cultural or economic level, it depends more on the chemistry and emotions that are formed when thinking about someone, but unrequited love should not harm your self-esteem. Chemistry has no explanation, it is active with some people and not with others.

4 tips for you not to suffer too much for love


 When you feel something important for someone, don’t prolong the situation. Spending years of friendship with someone you’re in love with will be harmful to you. The longer it goes by, the worse it will be. You will avoid further suffering if you have the courage to face the situation and tell the person how you feel, then the problem will be solved once and for all, and if it is not reciprocated, at least you will not be dependent on someone who was not for you and who prevented you from meeting other people who are interested.

 If you’re seeing someone who gives you more pain than joy, it’s time to think about whether it’s worth living like that. A healthy love does not cause suffering, a healthy love also receives what it gives. Couples form to increase happiness, not sabotage it.

 be realistic and if someone isn’t right for you, cut off the contact and eliminate the memories. Learn to stay focused on what is real and achievable and try to meet new people with the profile that interests you as a match. That way, if something emerges from friendly contact, you’re already in front of the right person.

 Many couples ask for time, need space to make up their minds. Don’t allow this uncertainty for too long.  Usually those who need a lot of time to decide are no longer in love. I’m not saying it’s always like that, but whatever the reason someone pulls away, you need to show respect to the other person and not take too long to give a clear answer. Don’t let them play with your life and your time, demand respect. , the best opportunities arise when a person feels good about themselves, even when they are single.

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