Violent Parents Leave Damage For Life

Violent parents leave damage for life

Our social life starts from childhood, in the company of siblings and parents, but it is the parents who will define our future. For this reason,  when parents are violent, they set standards and behaviors that will affect us for life.   Are you a violent parent? Do you know how to identify one?

defining violence

We usually associate the term “violence” with physical aggression, however, this serious problem can also occur through  psychological violence. Psychological violence manifests itself through  words that hurt morally , attitudes that seek to belittle others, and also through indifference.  All these attitudes end up hurting the children, consciously or not.

Why are parents violent with their children?

The reasons for these behaviors are several, and very particular in each case, but the most common are:

– Too much stress, or  tiredness:  Obligations are many and can cause parents to lose control, for example, when arriving home after a long day at work. And make no mistake, this situation can happen to both men and women.

– Education received:  Unfortunately, patterns of violence tend to repeat themselves, and when a parent has been a victim of similar childhood violence, they tend to educate their children in the same way.

– Seeking relief for the violence they suffered:  This happens when one of the parents exerts violence on the other, and the victim decides to act against the children, in order to try to regain control of the situation. Unfortunately, when it comes to this situation, no one else has the slightest control. In this way, all family members are affected.

How are children of violent parents affected?

It is inevitable that children who suffer violence from their parents will be affected in their social skills, but each will develop a different personality:

– The reserved child:  Is the one who  seeks to protect himself through isolation.  These children often have a shy personality and few social skills. They are usually very insecure and, as adults, this situation may not change much; they may even allow other people to harm them.

– The victimized child:  Unlike the reserved child, this personality  seeks to get rid of anger by attacking others, just as he was attacked.  As an adult, he can become a violent person, hurting those around him, repeating the pattern of violence.

– The protective child:  This characteristic is common in older children, who often feel obliged to protect their parents and siblings, who are also victims.  As an adult, they can become people who are always in conflict, with the intention of protecting someone.

Children of today will be parents tomorrow

Violence within the family is a terrible situation for those who experience it. However, for the children, the situation becomes even more serious, as this will mark them forever and can lead to unhappiness for the rest of their lives.

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