Weekend Couples: A New Kind Of Relationship

Weekend Couples: A New Type of Relationship

We’re not talking about those couples’ weekend romantic adventures that serve to disconnect. We’re also not talking about relationships that last 48 hours and then fade away. We are talking about weekend couples, couples who only see each other on Saturdays and Sundays.  But does this story of living forever on a honeymoon really work?

Usually, people who make this type of couple are at the peak of their professional lives. They are usually between 25 and 35 years old and travel frequently. Because they don’t have a lot of time to spend with their partner during the week because they work, they decide to meet only on weekends.

The reward of a daily sacrifice

Many relationships fail because of distance. By not continually renewing the passion and affection, the kilometers end up being a source of conflict. But that wouldn’t be a problem for relationships that keep the flame of love alive, at least on weekends. These couples know these two days are for them. And they serve as a reward for hard working hours.

They miss each other during the week, but they know that on Saturday and Sunday they will meet. This makes the infatuation phase prolong. That is, seeing each other less often makes reunions feel like it’s the first time. It’s a kind of constant passion that reinforces the positive aspects of the relationship.

Another advantage is that, since they have little time to share with each other, each one gives their best during these days they spend together. That’s why these couples don’t usually waste time in absurd discussions. They resolve conflicts so they can make the most of their time together. At the same time, this allows each to focus on what the other is good at and on the strengths of the partner or partner.

coffee and sweets

The cons are also great for weekend couples.

We have already highlighted that physical distance is one of the great challenges of any dating or marriage. Weekend couples can also be victims of it. The insecurity created without daily contact can create doubts and jealousy towards the other. This, if fed every day, can become the reason for termination or even infidelity.

On the other hand, reliving that love every weekend does not mean that the relationship will move forward. That way of looking at yourself can stagnate the relationship. It’s as if they’re both comfortable with the situation and no one wants to go a step further.

It is a feeling of powerlessness and conformity on both sides. It can create the feeling of living in a spiral of frustration, impatience, and even boredom.

The longer lasting, the stronger

Although quantity is not synonymous with quality, in this case it seems to be . The older the relationship, the stronger the bonds and foundations on which it was built. Because of this fact, a relationship is less likely to end by distance the longer the couple is together.

For example, let’s think of the case of a relationship of years in which one of the two parties will temporarily work in another country . Distance can even strengthen the bonds of union between these people. The distance puts the union to the test and, if the result is positive, it becomes another pillar of the relationship.

On the other hand, if the relationship doesn’t work out, chances are there isn’t enough commitment to keep it going.

couple holding hands

Do they know if they are compatible?

Weekend couples spend only a few hours together. Saturday and Sunday share bed, meals and moments. But is this comparable to the day-to-day life of a couple who live in the same house and have to face shared responsibilities?

This type of sporadic encounter does not allow us to know how the other performs, for example, household chores. Not how you react when something is bothering you, what quirks you have, what you like to do when you get home or cook . It’s a rather shallow relationship. You may notice some of these details, but it’s not the same thing.

couple having fun with dog

Success Secrets for Couples

In any case, weekend couples are a reality. No one can determine the duration of a relationship based on how they met or what the parameters of the relationship are . Only the members of the relationship know what’s going on in their lives.

However, there are certain characteristics that appear in all successful couples. Some of them are, for example, admiration, mutual respect and the absence of codependency. Furthermore, the expectations of both must be realistic and based on a choice: to love the other.

Of course, the foundation must be communication and trust. It is necessary to be able to talk about everything and express each one’s point of view, without fear of being judged or rejected. Couples go through incredible and happy times, but when the toughest ones come, they should be able to say what they feel and believe to each other.

All these characteristics can be perfectly present in weekend couples. It is only  necessary to know what each can contribute to the other, how this relationship lives, how the distance affects them and if the situation makes both of them happy.

If you both agree, then it can be a very healthy and lasting relationship!

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