What Causes Stress? We Looked At The Top 7 Reasons

What causes stress?  We analyzed the top 7 reasons

We live in a time when stress is more present than ever, but what are the main causes? Why are there more cases these days? The fast pace at which we submit ourselves is the main reason, which leaves us with fewer possibilities to take advantage of the little free time we have left. We often know we are stressed, but we don’t quite know why… It’s usually not just one thing, but rather several problems that build up and cause stress. Following are the top 7 reasons that stress us out.

The 7 main causes of stress:


1. Work

The stressful work we face today makes us more nervous than usual. Haste, excessive responsibilities, bad relationships with colleagues and bosses. In many cases, offices are understaffed and this leaves workers overwhelmed and with a greater mental load in use.

Also, on many occasions, there is the fear of saying “no” to labor demands that are beyond our usual work; denying it would generate the risk of being fired and as the job market is not easy, the fear of being fired is always present. To alleviate stress at work, it would be advisable to take advantage of the free time we have.  What do you enjoy doing the most? What do you have the most fun with? Even if you have little free time, practice your hobbies and, above all, take care of yourself with good nutrition and sleep as long as necessary to rest.

2. Toxic people

The environment in which we spend most of our time influences stress a lot. Toxic people take away our positivity and energy. To find out if there are people around you who harm you, you just have to listen to your emotions. If you feel anger, stress, anxiety,  if you have bad intentions, it is because you are surrounded by toxic people.

Healthy people are those who, when we are in contact with them, make us feel at ease and emotions are positive, they are like a ray of light that improves our emotions. 

The ideal for an unpleasant environment not to cause us stress, would be to spend as little time as possible with toxic people. But as this is often impossible, because perhaps the cause of the problem is the family, or the work in which we have to spend many hours of the day, it would be good if we took full advantage of the little time in which we are free. Thus, the balance of negativity that we were exposed to will come into balance.

3. Negative thoughts

Anyone can stress themselves for no important reason. If the mind is focused on the negative side of things, we will get stressed quickly. You need to focus your thoughts on pleasant things and not let pessimism take over. It is necessary to cultivate tolerance, put aside perfection, anxiety to achieve goals and haste. These feelings only serve to fall into suffering.

We were not born to be perfect and efficient, we came to be happy. “The important thing is not the goal, but the path to reach it”. Even though it sounds like an impossible utopia, it’s completely true; it is necessary to take advantage of what the path gives us.

We must remain attentive and look around us, rather than just looking to the future. There is only one place you can live and enjoy, and that moment is the present you have here and now. If you let your mind wander between the past and the future, you will be stressed and that will create unreal stress, because you created it with your thoughts.

4. Major losses

The death of loved ones, friendships or people we were attached to is one of the most difficult and stressful situations. In most cases this type of situation requires professional help. These are irreversible and very painful changes in our lives. We will face a series of grief stages, in which the pain will lessen over time, until we are able to move on.

5. Loves and dislikes

It has been proven that love is one of the biggest causes of happiness, but it harms us when it doesn’t happen in a healthy way. Conflicting love relationships produce a lot of stress. Cases of emotional dependence, people who have low self-esteem and can stand being treated badly just to not lose the relationship, etc.

The saying “Better than poorly accompanied” is unfortunately not followed by many people, and this generates sources of stress for these people. And also people who don’t have any love relationship, but are deluded by someone who doesn’t respond to them, can get to the point of getting used to suffering, to be always chasing someone who won’t make them happy. The only things we achieve by performing all these wrong actions is, unfortunately, to eliminate well-being and accumulate stress and sadness.

6. Acoustic stress

It’s a little talked about topic, but spending a lot of time exposed to noisy situations is stressful, especially if there is an obligation to be habitually in these environments with acoustic contamination. What we can do to alleviate this is to dedicate ourselves each day to exclusive time for ourselves, alone, to listen to relaxing music at low volume, do yoga, meditate, relax.

7. Loneliness

We live surrounded by different technologies but today there is more loneliness than ever. Human relationships got worse. It is increasingly common to reduce the actual contact, replacing it with contact with electronic devices. In the past, people spent a lot more time together, talking in person. We should spend less time using electronic devices and more time in contact with people.

balance your scale

Stress builds up inside us. If we don’t catch up and balance our scales, we will end up suffering, in some form, from anxiety or other psychosomatic illnesses. But how to balance the scales? The first thing to do is find the answer to the following question: What causes us stress? Knowing the answer, we can look at things in a different way. We should make the most of the free time we have and have the most fun.

Every person has a way of having fun; there is no universal rule, find your way and enjoy. If you stop having fun for too long, you’ll let the negativity gain ground and your emotions will get worse. For example, imagine a person who works for 12 hours in an unpleasant environment. If, as soon as you leave work, you’re so negative that you don’t feel like doing anything else, stress will take its toll. But if she decides that unsatisfactory work won’t stop her from continuing to enjoy life, that’s all right.

We need a reason to put up with the bad things that exist in our lives. Look for your reason! Practice your hobbies, do what you like, enjoy, maintain healthy and good contact with people, have fun and take care of those who like you.

The more positive things in your life, the more reason you have to survive not-so-good times.

Image credits: Amy McTigue, net_efekt, Bernard Goldbach

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