What Characterizes Frugal People?

Some define them as “stingy”. However, frugal men and women lead a lifestyle that goes beyond “saving money.” They are defined by simplicity, minimalism and other equally interesting dimensions.
What characterizes frugal people?

In recent times, we have often heard the term “frugal countries”. Austria, Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands… are areas of Europe that enjoy a healthy economy and that suddenly seem to lead a good part of economic decisions. So what do we mean when we refer to frugal people?

There are those who do not hesitate to refer to them as somewhat spartan, petty and even selfish. However, applying this pejorative approach completely obscures the opportunity to consider an interesting behavior profile.

Being frugal is in fashion, but as curious as it is, it is a set of approaches, dynamics, beliefs and values ​​that have always existed. It is true that there are countries that practice them because they are rooted in their culture, in their traditions, but frugality is not something exclusive to the northernmost regions of Europe. These are dimensions that may be very familiar to us.

frugal people

Characteristics of frugal people: petty or stewards of their quality of life?

If we look up the term frugality in the dictionary, we will have a clue as to what this type of personality looks like. This term defines several qualities: being prudent, passive, thrifty and skillful in optimizing the use of time and money. Seen like this, in broad terms, perhaps we are once again left with the image of someone restrained, and even petty, as the “evil tongues” usually refer to them.

However, it’s best to avoid these types of labels that are actually limiting and not in line with the philosophy behind frugal people. Let’s delve into the characteristics that define them.

Your time is important, use it well

Time is not money, time is life. Frugal people know this, and one of their main goals is to make each day have meaning and quality. What does something like that mean? It implies, for example, that it is not worth spending all day working. The idea is to invest a fair and necessary time to obtain a salary that allows them to live normally, without excesses.

Every moment should be enjoyed to the full, whether at leisure, at rest or being productive at work. Planning is the key.

Be efficient in everything you do

Efficiency is, neither more nor less, the ability to perform certain functions properly and correctly. For frugal people, this does not apply exclusively to the workplace. In fact, it integrates every area of ​​life:

  • If you need to spend and consume, do it efficiently. Be aware of your financial limits and adjust to them at all times.
  • Don’t buy things that aren’t really useful. Clothes, appliances, cars or technology should not be renewed just for pleasure, for the simple need to have something new or the latest model of a product.

remember your priorities

In a happy life, priorities are clear. This means making efforts, working for what you want and mobilizing all your energy towards these specific dimensions. One aspect that defines frugal people is their economic mindset.

Now, they don’t just look at the present and immediate moment, their look is basically on the long term, and taking that into account is also a priority. This means that each month they will save as much as possible.

Frugal people avoid debt

Perhaps one of the biggest advantages of frugal countries is that, on average, they have a good standard of living. Wages are good and their behavior oriented towards savings and efficiency allows, for example, that they do not end up indebted. Avoiding debt is a priority in this personality profile.

They will always prefer to save to buy when possible, rather than taking out a loan.

Recycle, care for the environment and not waste resources

If you can get around by bicycle, why use the car? With this choice, you not only save money, but also take care of the environment. Also, that doesn’t mean you have to be without a vehicle. It implies, for example, that you can continue to use that utility which, although it is already a few years old, works very well.

The same applies to any other area: why have, for example, multiple phone and internet accounts? If there is a company that can offer all members of the family a contract with what is fair and what is necessary, then this will always be the best option.

girl riding a bike

Focus on your needs, not your wants

Frugal people are rarely moved by their impulses. That doesn’t mean they’re cold or calculating. It’s just the opposite. The philosophy of frugality seeks, above all, to aspire to an authentic quality of life, and this implies being clear about one’s needs, not one’s desires. After all, the latter change, are fickle and can lead us down the wrong path at some point.

Spending and getting into debt, for example, will not bring us happiness. It can satisfy a momentary desire, but the ideal is to know your real needs and invest time and effort to meet them.

Frugal people and the search for inspiration

There is an interesting factor that also defines frugal people: the constant search for inspiration, for knowledge, for the connection with the environment. The objective is clear: keep learning to improve and advance. It is necessary to look for new mechanisms to continue to be more efficient, to form more productive work teams and, therefore, to continue investing in quality of life, as well as in social progress.

In short, this behavior is not only inspiring but also realistic and worthy of imitation. While it is true that frugal countries are accompanied by a context that facilitates these approaches, this does not mean that, to the best of our possibilities, we cannot follow any of the axes of their dynamics.

Let’s take this into consideration.

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