What Is Codependency?

What is codependency?

Codependency is a psychological condition in which one person becomes emotionally attached to another. This is nothing positive.

Why can’t you make a decision on your own? Why do you need to have everything under control and when something escapes you the world falls on your head? If that person is absent, what do you do ? A codependent person has each and every one of these fears.

Do you want to know if you are a codependent person?

A codependent person is…


The codependent person lives for others, abandons himself.  It relies on the decisions of others, feeds on the opinions of other people and does not value itself. For the codependent person, others are more important. Questions will always be asked such as: what would you do in my place? How would you act? It is not able to think for itself.

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As we have seen, the codependent person always needs someone to make decisions, live and even be happy. As she cannot live this way, she will become controlling and manipulating to keep everything and everyone under her control. You don’t want anyone to leave your side, you can’t be without them!


The codependent person cannot face the world and life alone. He even doubts if he knows how to live without depending on someone emotionally. How to do it? It’s impossible for her.

Your insecurity and fears reduce your ability to decide. Facing life without a shoulder to lean on would cause her such terror and anxiety that she  looks for someone to meet that need.


How to overcome codependency?

If you feel attached to someone who is the center of your world, the reason for your existence and without which you cannot develop in life, will it be possible to change this? Is it possible to overcome being codependent? The answer is yes.

Why do you feel your life is not worth it? What makes it impossible for you not to depend on anyone? Look inside yourself for what makes you feel inferior, reflect and think if this is really the case or not. You are not worth less than anyone else. Why not start over?

As a codependent person your thoughts will be full of phrases such as “I don’t know”, “I can’t”, “he will know how to do it”. Eliminate these thoughts once and for all.

Nobody knows everything, nobody knows how to do everything. But there is something we can all do: learn. I do not know? Then I will learn how to do it. What can’t I do? Are you sure about this? Have you really tried? Don’t look for help, don’t lean on someone else. Try to be independent.

Many difficult things happen to all of us! The important thing is to know how to support and overcome them by yourself. You should not think about leaning on someone else, as that support can become unstable. Are we looking for other, more solid support then? No. Nothing will be better than being sure of our own support.

You know what you excel at, your strengths! So what are you waiting for to explore them? Work on them to learn to value yourself and not need to depend on anyone.

Look for a reason to be happy each day. It doesn’t matter what others do, it matters what you do. Stop admiring others as a role model. Each one is unique. Make your life unique. Don’t be codependent!

Persist. It is difficult, yes, but not impossible. Continue forward. You won’t always have someone to lean on and when that happens, the world will fall on your head? No. You’re strong, smart, responsible… You don’t need to look up to anyone, you don’t need someone to be able to live. Live your life, value yourself, be unique. May your life not depend on anyone other than yourself.

Are you codependent? If so, I hope these and other advice can be of some help. However, the  best help is your own willpower. Don’t allow yourself to depend on anyone! Experience the freedom of not being codependent.

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