What Never To Say To A Motivated Person

What never to say to a motivated person

In response to Paul G. Thomas expression “help others become motivated people by guiding them to the source of their own energy”, imagine what you should never say to a motivated person?

In the next few lines, we’ll reproduce a few sentences that experts in motivation and business leadership recommend never to say to an employee. These phrases are especially important if this person is professionally productive and brings good results for the company.

In this case, since motivation is not only necessary at a professional level, but is also lacking in any area or life project, it is important to consider how one should not act in front of a motivated person so as not to fall into commonplaces and reprehensible attitudes.

Phrases you should never say to a motivated person

Remember you come first. If you don’t like to be treated a certain way, start acting that way with others. Because if someone has said any of these phrases to you and you know they would harm you, you should ask yourself why you act like that with others. Respect everyone, motivated or not:

  • You don’t do anything right : if you dream of sinking the life of a person or an employee, this phrase is the most appropriate. You will achieve nothing and you will feel worse, but you will reach your goal. So, never use this expression with anyone, especially with children, as it directly attacks their security, autonomy and their capacity for a correct development.
What never to say to a motivated person
  • I pay you for this : another one of the great phrases that should never be used. At a time when horizontality is increasingly important, as the employee is valued more and responsibilities are shared, thus strengthening the personal and professional development of each member, saying things like this is extremely harmful.
  • You should thank us for letting you work here : an employee earns his salary honorably with his effort, work and experience. It’s a completely sensible bilateral relationship. Nor should this phrase be used in an environment of social collectivity, in the family or in any environment in which there is a person with more power than another.
  • That’s your problem : another prohibited phrase for a good leader. In a team, be it work, study, collaborative, etc., the problems belong to everyone and are solved in a group. Never turn away from the concerns of any of the members that make up the whole. Empathy and communication are vital in this regard to know that the team is stronger than individuality.
  • It must be done that way because that’s the way it’s always been done : again a harmful phrase for being so obsolete. We live in a constantly evolving world. What was once a dogma is now unproductive. Not everything that was done in the past is valid in the present time. Furthermore, strengthening a person’s creativity and capacity for innovation is something positive in every project.
What never to say to a motivated person
  • You are not paid to think : if an employee is not paid to think, then what do you want him for? Every person must overcome the automatic attitude and always deliver the best of what he is capable of. Not valuing and enhancing a person’s capabilities undermines the success of the entire project, both professionally and in life. We all have something interesting and worthwhile to show.
  • Don’t bring your problems to work : as far as science can tell, human beings are still incapable of dividing themselves. Every worker or person who has problems always takes them with them. If, instead of rejection, we empathize with the individual who feels bad, and help him through the bad times, his problems are more likely to weigh less at work.
  • I’m the boss here : another of the great phrases we always hear at some point in the workspace, in a group project and even at home. It’s a big mistake, because the coherent division of responsibilities is more productive and valid so that everyone feels part of the team and each motivated person is dedicated to the maximum.

All these phrases are especially discouraged by experts, as they will never have a positive effect on a motivated person, quite the contrary. Using empathy and treating others fairly is a more productive and appropriate policy.


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