What World Are You Building For Your Kids?

What world are you building for your children?

Days ago I witnessed a very ugly scene. In a restaurant, at the time of the commotion, an attendant gave the customer much more change than was due. She immediately noticed the same and, apologizing, explained the mistake to the client, who replied: “It’s in my purse, it’s mine. Turns around”. Days later, a father, aware of several crimes that his son committed, instead of reprimanding him (since he is a repeat offender and got away with worse crimes years before), he sent money for him to flee the country. Yes.

Continuing my walk through life, I saw very rich people humiliate simpler people for pleasure, people who cause fights among others and then sneak out to watch, as my mother says, “the circus catches fire”. Gossip, intrigue, attempts to pull the rug out from under the other, women blaming other women victims of violence for the aggression they suffered… a bombardment of negative energy.

In just over a year, I would have taken the lead in all these cases. Brigado, made a scandal, exposed names… Today I put myself as a mere observer. A sad observer for the future of humanity. What will be the future of humanity with these beings that we are being in the present?

good world for the children

What will the children of this generation be in the future?

So I decided to go deeper into myself, with the pure and simple goal of becoming a better person, fairer, less selfish, stronger, calmer. And pay more attention to the good people (who are not few) around me. People who leave work, tired, almost midnight, to have half an hour of conversation with a friend in need. People who take time every day to go to a friend’s house to talk and pray together. People do everything to help each other get back on their feet. That opens the fridge to satisfy the hunger of those who need it. People capable of giving their lives for the other.

Yes, there are still a lot of people like that around the world. They just need to come together and propagate it. I want to have children in a better world than this one. Surrounded by good people, charitable, open-hearted, spiritualized in the real sense of the word. And that through these examples, starting at home, my children may be like these people. Examples are worth much more than advice. So I asked this question this week on my facebook and now I will ask you:

raise children for the world

How do you want to be remembered by your children in the future?

And I’ll ask more: What men and women do you want them to become? What world do you want them to live in? Do you feel good about your present attitudes? How do these attitudes reflect on you and others? Would your children be happy about it? If you repeated your actions, would they be people you would be proud of?

Karma, Law of Return, Payment… Call it what you like. A fact is that everything that goes around comes around. If you want the good, say prayers begging that things go well, but you curse people, cheat, steal, cheat… what do you expect in return? But if you pray fervently, go beyond church, but focus on spirituality, open your heart, mind and body to positive things, that’s what you will receive: love, positivity, good… Be good. Think about it!


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