Whatever You Decide To Do, Make Sure It Makes You Happy

Whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy

Whatever your age, your life is at a fascinating moment. We often think that being happier is a tricky thing, but… what if you could do something very simple to make yourself feel better, would you? We all have regrets, things we feel for having done and for not having done, unfulfilled wishes, people…

So what distinguishes people who seem to be happier from others? The key is in paying attention to the good things that happen to us and the not-so-good things.

So, whatever happens, be emotionally smart to keep more positive memories in your memory than negative ones, even if it takes more work. If you have several options for moving forward, be sure to choose the one that you know won’t ultimately make you sad. And whatever you do, make you happy.

May the goal always be “to be happy”

The focus of attention, the ultimate goal, is one’s physical and emotional well-being : no one wants to be in life and not enjoy it. Everyone wants to touch it, taste it and squeeze it as much as possible until it fills us with peace inside.

For that reason, it’s always good to identify those little things that make us feel good and move toward them. In this sense, remember that it can go wrong, but if you don’t know what you want or what you’re looking for, it will be much harder to go right.

It is the emotional force that exists when you know where you want to go. Little by little you will discover how you are going to get there. With happiness we stumble on the path, but it is also an end that comes from taking care of ourselves.


The key is to find a good way.

It’s totally logical that if we dedicate ourselves to doing activities that we enjoy and that comfort us, we will find sources of positive energy. Happiness will be there waiting for you, at the right time and on the right path for you. So what is the correct path? A unique, based on little habits that make us feel better every day.

There is no equal method by which you and I can be happy: each is happy in a special and determined way. For example, I am able to erase sadness by writing or having coffee with friends, but you may prefer to play a sport.

The same goes for less trivial issues in our lives. It is true that we cannot venture to say what will happen in the future, but we are able to see that some decision can harm us and that it may be possible to avoid it. Use the emotional intelligence we talked about in the beginning and allow yourself more caresses than hurts.

happiness has soul mates

In whatever circumstances we are in right now, we are surrounded by other people, many of them soul mates who empathize with the way we have to be present in this world. In fact, not only are you the creator of your own happiness, but the social circle you live with also has a relevant influence.


Attitudes that reflect feelings of generosity, solidarity, or affection increase levels of inner satisfaction. On the contrary, envy and guilt can diminish them. Along these lines, it is not a question of one’s own happiness depending on others, but it is good to be aware that this influence exists and that we must put it to our advantage.

In short, don’t expect to be happy for someone else, but if someone makes you happier, enjoy. Don’t wait for happiness to come to you without moving, but don’t let it pass you by either: remember your points of attention. Consider that there is room for the bad and the good, but it is up to you to decide when to end the first and when to make the second last.

Illustrations courtesy of: Pascal Campion.

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