When One Door Closes, Another One Opens

When one door closes, another one opens

Life is full of opportunities, we just need to know how to harvest ours. So here I talk about opening a door. Sometimes we feel that when something ends, the world falls on our heads precipitously. However, there is another way to look at this, and that is that perhaps we are being blessed with the gift of a new possibility to begin another exciting adventure.

I propose to you an exercise in reflection. In the next few minutes, let’s ask ourselves why the doors close, what experience and wisdom each one of them leaves behind, and how we can use this knowledge to open new worlds full of opportunities.


Why does a door close?

Have you ever thought about why a door closes? Don’t forget that we’re talking figuratively. A physical door can be closed by a push, by the wind, by pulling the lock, by distraction… there are many possibilities.

Now let’s extrapolate a door closure to human life. Why do they close or do we close them? There are many reasons we can think of, situated in dozens of possible scenarios. Let’s look at some:

  • A loving relationship that ends. You may think that when there is nothing left to fight for in a relationship, you close the door, as where once there were flames and a mighty fire, there is not even embers or ashes left.
  • A friendship that ends. Sometimes a good friend can betray us so much that we are unable to forgive him. We close the door to keep it from hurting us and end a relationship to get away from the pain.
  • A job that ends. Often, in jobs where we are not happy or because new business opportunities arise, we decide to leave and look for other professional paths. Sometimes these decisions are painful and difficult to make.

What happens when I close a door?

Most of the time, closing a door is a huge pain. If you have to leave your partner because there is nothing that happened before, ending your friendship with someone, leaving a job you were happy with, leaving the city where you live… all of this can cause a big deal. feeling of sadness.

girl in the water

Okay, now let’s think about the circumstances that led us to close these doors. Why do we get to this point? What happened so that I have to let my partner go, a person who was once the center of my life? Why do I have to leave the city where I’m happy?

Reflect well and unhurriedly on the decisions you made and why you came to this situation. Don’t start judging others about everything that’s happening to you, but also find your share of responsibility, because there is always something that maybe you could have done better or that you should have said before. Or maybe not, but it’s important that you have this very clear, that you analyze and learn.

new doors open

Now, as we close the door and reflect on the facts that led us to this situation, it is time to discover new opportunities and enjoy the world that opens before us. Embrace it with all your strength, because there is still a lot to do.

You’ve had a bad experience having to close the door on someone or something you loved, cared about, or bothered about. Already reflected and learned hard, but wise lessons after what happened. Now, with this new experience gained, you need to look to the future with optimism and discover the new opportunities that are opening up before your eyes.

You have more experience and wisdom. Use them to learn from wrong moves and avoid repeating them. Learn from the times you worked on the right path and reinforce your behaviors in future experiences. Take advantage of all the opportunities that life offers you.

Nothing ends. Whether you leave a loved one or you lose a great love, your life doesn’t end. There is still a lot to do, a large number of doors to open, adventures to enjoy, people to meet, jobs to start, cities to visit.

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