Whoever Loves You Will Make You A Coffee

Whoever loves you will make you a coffee

They say that a coffee is a hug offered in a cup,  so whoever really loves you will prepare it sweet and very hot so that you can find relief and untie the knot of your problems. When you take the first sip, some of the feathers will have come unraveled, like the steam that escapes from this fabulous, obscure and vital drink.

We often comment that  life is what begins after a good cup of coffee. This is exactly what people in 15th-century Yemeni monasteries should have been thinking when, according to various historical documents, they began grinding the beans to obtain an extraordinary drink they called  q ahhwat al-bun (coffee wine) and later was shortened to  qahhwat (coffee).

Nobody has been indifferent to its effects since its discovery, its revitalizing action, that welcome energy and that intoxicating aroma capable of creating true caffeine addicts. Its effect was so unsettling that when it arrived in Europe in the seventeenth century,  Catholic priests did not hesitate to call it “the bitter invention of Satan.”

Nowadays, this “diabolical” drink is an indisputable part of our daily diet. It is also the  subject of an almost magical ritual on which a series of psychological dynamics are built,  endowed with incredible benefits for our physical and emotional health.

Today, in our article, we want to reflect on them. Want to join us?

coffee cats

coffee and depression

Coffee does not bring happiness, but it creates the ideal conditions for us to experience it. This idea may seem a bit far-fetched, but you only need to look at a series of data to reach this same conclusion. According to a study published in 2011 in the “Archives of Internal Medicine”, regular consumption of coffee (about three cups a day)  reduces the rates of depression.

Here’s a fact that made this study even more interesting: the data was only significant for women. In relation to men, regular coffee consumption is often associated with increased anxiety. However,  in females, the impact on emotional health is very positive.

The reason for this difference is in the ritual built around coffee. Women, on average, tend to be more likely to get together in a coffee shop, to take a well-deserved break with a cup of coffee while together, facilitating emotional release. The cups on the table are just excuses to keep this empathic communication so beneficial, which allows us to relativize problems, heal sadness, fears, worries, etc.


Life and its pressures are suddenly contained by an invisible wall, which separates them from this table where there is a small group of women creating a fabulous refuge of intimacy. Coffee acts as a stimulant of our brain chemistry, so it serves as a stopcock for certain neurotransmitters, such  as serotonin or dopamine. However, it is us who, driven by its effect, attribute its true therapeutic and healing value to it.

A coffee with the one you love

“Come on, let’s have coffee and talk.” This phrase so common in our lives means much more than a simple meeting or drinking that drink that someone in the past described as “devilish”. Having coffee has a reason and a purpose, and it’s nothing more than strengthening bonds  with the people who matter to us.

If we think about it, the complex noise of our societies, marked by prisons, pressures and goals to be met, leave us little space to become aware of the here and now. Most of the time we limit ourselves to doing activities that we could define as “maintenance”: dressing, eating, driving, taking the bus, waiting in lines, working, returning home…

Having coffee with someone is a great way to break this neutral and aseptic flow of life. It means embracing the present with strength to enjoy a meaningful, healing and energetic moment. Because sharing good moments, even if they are brief, is a sensational way to enjoy the present and make sense of it.

girl sleeping next to a cup of coffee

Coffee is better in company

To convince you of the extraordinary benefits of drinking coffee in a good company, we suggest that you reflect for a moment on these simple ideas.

  • Drinking coffee stimulates the production of endorphins. In this way, we further foster this emotional connection with people who are dear to us, creating a circle of well-being that feeds back our mental balance.
  • Sharing good everyday moments with a cup of coffee allows us to invest in the cognitive reserve that will ensure our brain’s good health .
  • In times of difficulty, vital anguish or stress, before we close in to take a shower or stay in the room to cry in silence, do this:  call someone for coffee,  prepare a hot cup and talk, talk in voice these concerns to seek comfort with this person who always knows how to listen to you as you deserve.

Experts indicate that we can drink up to three cups during the day. It would be great if we  regularly shared one of these cups with good friends; with those true friends who dissolve the pains of our beings with the sugar of their hearts and help us see new perspectives on the warm but always revealing surface of a cafe.

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