Why Do We Like Different Types Of Music?

Why do we like different types of music?

Music is considered by many to be the food of the soul. It can transport us and stimulate different types of moods. Music can be considered a very complex reflection of each individual’s personality. The musical genre breaks any cultural, economic, social and geographic barriers. Being more a subjective taste than an imposition made by the music industry.

Even though many people have a preference for a particular musical genre (for example rock, pop, indie, classical, salsa, among others), they are not exclusive followers of just one musical rhythm… It could be that the same person likes KISS and , at the same time, from Belanova, for example.

Studies on different types of music

Many universities and professors have studied, over time, what determines musical tastes.  Thus, for example, it was noticed that among members of the same family (even among siblings), tastes can vary significantly, being even opposites… They can be compared like water and oil (funk versus rock).

It has also been found that certain personality traits are directly linked to certain types of music. However,  to confirm this theory, it would be necessary for a person to retain exactly the same musical taste throughout their life. .. For example, people who like reggae are people who have high self-esteem, are very creative, not very hardworking , friendly, outgoing and relaxed. In classical music, people have personalities with very high self-esteem, are creative and introverted. Pop people also have good self-esteem, they are not very creative, but they are very hardworking, friendly and outgoing. However, everyday experience shows us that these parameters are not met in all cases.

the music and humor

Music can also be influenced by a person’s mood: it is typical that, depending on how emotional health is, the person prefers to listen to certain types of music and not others…  How many of you have heard depressive, emotionally sad and talk about music breakups after the end of a relationship? Plus, how many of you have heard happy songs that invite the body to dance and jump around on a happy day?

In addition to being an art, music is a sensation that condenses, in approximately 4 minutes of duration, everything we feel. But did you know that, in addition to being enjoyable, music can change mood and improve health? So it is! It is a fact that music, thanks to the different pulsations and frequencies of sounds it emits, directly influences the circulatory system and the central nervous system, and can quickly change the mood of the listener.

For example, it is recommended to listen to instrumental or relaxing music on stressful and emotionally charged days. That’s because this type of music helps to reduce the heart rate, normalizing tension and clearing the mind. Already a good dose of rock can give enough energy when the person’s mood is very low, because this type of music increases the heart rate, thanks to the percussion and speed of rhythms.

Definitely, music should always be present in human life, as its melody is there for our pleasure and well-being, as well as being in the world to strengthen our spirit, our mind and our body, no matter how different be the style it belongs to.


Image credits: photosteve101

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