Why Don’t We Accept Our Body?

The main reason we don’t accept our bodies is the social pressure to be what others want to see. In this way, we learn to devalue ourselves and even mistreat ourselves for not fitting into the parameters of someone else’s gaze.
Why don't we accept our body?

Why don’t we accept our body? One of the effects of worshiping a specific type of beauty is that we end up doubting ourselves and not accepting our own bodies. If we believe in the dangerous idea that we need to be physically perfect in order to be valued or to guarantee our worth, the result can be one of life’s most useless sufferings.

It’s true that today there are many people in the world who value others for their physique. It is also true that a beautiful person has more facilities in life: from more options for love conquest to better job offers. It couldn’t be otherwise in a world that wants to hypertrophy our eyes.

The decision each must make involves choosing between two options: passively accepting this logic or setting limits. In terms of physical appearance, we all have one or many faults. However, the problem arises when we begin to measure the importance of these defects with the view of society. As a rule, this is where we don’t accept our body.

Woman with self-esteem issues

Why must we be perfect?

In fact, the title question is poorly worded. It shouldn’t be “why should we be perfect?” but “why should we be perfectly equal to the model of beauty that the market imposes on us?” Of course, meeting these requirements has advantages, but trying to meet them can do us a lot of harm.

The most common of them is that we do not accept our body, precisely because we evaluate it based on this model of perfection that was imposed on us. We are very visual, and all the time they send us images of people who represent this ideal of beauty. So it’s not uncommon to look in the mirror and feel disappointed.

This physical ideal has been filtering through us, probably forever, continuously. That’s why it’s so hard to resist him. We end up thinking that what is “normal” is to be physically perfect and that if we are not, we have some kind of abnormality. Reality shows us exactly the opposite.

Do we accept our body or not?

When we don’t accept our body, we develop the habit of criticizing ourselves, especially when we look in the mirror. We get into the habit of discovering defects and evaluating them, being very critical. I have a very round face, “flaky” ears, very skinny legs, a very big butt. Or maybe it’s the nose… How much does a rhinoplasty cost? This exercise in self-harm leaves us frustrated.

We can also choose to realize that we have a defect (like everyone else) and then try to hide it. We put on high heels to look taller or buy a sling so that the effects of the ten desserts we ate this week are not seen. And when we look in the mirror, we omit the examination of these “little problems” that we cannot hide from ourselves.

We often do not accept our body precisely because we are not able to look deeply into that image that the mirror shows us. However, the more we try to ignore or hide a physical defect, the more importance it acquires in our minds. Accepting ourselves means recognizing what is beautiful and also our faults. It’s that simple.

Why don't we accept our body?

Why don’t we accept each other physically?

It’s not easy to give an answer to this question, but we could say that we don’t accept our body because we create an evil look for ourselves. Instead of looking at each other with our own eyes, we do it as if we were judges in a contest. There are many powers interested in us looking at each other like that, and perhaps we haven’t noticed.

The pre-formatted beauty industry earns millions and millions of dollars thanks to the war we have with the mirror. Thanks also to all those who look at us with the eyes of a beauty contest judge and decide to disqualify what they see. Those who judge us also have their conflicts with the mirror and, to alleviate their self-criticism, decide to criticize us.

Worst of all, we are sometimes rude to ourselves. We treat ourselves very badly when we don’t accept our body; when we do not accept our imperfection, so ours, so human, so worthy of respect because it belongs to us. So what if you don’t look like what others want to see?

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