Without You I Don’t Exist

Without you I do not exist

It’s everything for him/her, you can’t live without this person, with them you feel a complete person, but without them you are nothing… at least that’s what you believe. Your constant thought is “without you I don’t exist”. Maybe you’ve felt it once, maybe you’ve lived it or you’re living it now.

When your whole life revolves around a person you love,  your world falls apart if that person leaves. Suddenly everything needs to make sense. You feel abandoned, vulnerable, just…. He doesn’t know what to do or how to do it. That person was everything, and now… you have nothing.

It’s normal to feel that way, as if you’ve shared time with this person you might feel empty for a while. But… your life and existence depend on him? What is this “without you I don’t exist”? If so, we should already be talking about emotional dependency.

my joy depends on you

mermaid looking at boat

The emptiness we talked about earlier can happen when a loved one dies. It can be a mother, a father, a brother, a spouse, among others. It’s something we can’t avoid. Because of life’s circumstances, these people who were everything to us are gone, so it will take us some time to assimilate and accept the emptiness we now feel.

But what happens when a person leaves our side? What happens when our relationship breaks up, for example?

We can’t keep anyone on our side, just as we can’t guarantee that every relationship works out. But what we cannot do is cease to exist, to take care of ourselves, to think about ourselves when that person is gone. You must always think of yourself. Even if you are with someone, don’t let your life, your happiness, your well-being depend totally on the other person.

You are really wrong if you think this is true happiness. You must be free, be good about yourself. With that, you can share your life with the other person, but never giving them the power to decide about your life. Why am I suddenly giving the reins of my life to this person I love?

Maybe you suffer from low self-esteem, maybe you are giving everything to that person… Maybe you are afraid of abandonment and need to cling as much as you can, seeking that security that you so lack.

Even if it’s gone, I won’t surrender

lion with butterfly

For you to free yourself from this dependency, you must take into account some attitudes that prevent you from moving forward and block your actions, if you do not have this person who is the center of your existence by your side. For starters, you must take care of your self-esteem.  Love yourself and give yourself the value you deserve. Don’t put your life in anyone’s hands, you alone have the power to decide your course. So what else should you consider?

  • Don’t let your happiness center on one person.
  • Don’t put others’ wishes above your own.
  • If you only feel good when you feel wanted, change! There is something that is not working as it should.
  • Don’t accept being with someone if you’re hurting.
  • Do not allow this person to be the center of your life.

These and many other circumstances are what make our happiness depend on other people and not on ourselves, as it should be. In some cases, we confuse love and affection with need. This does not always bring us good things and the relationship may not be healthy. You need to be at peace with yourself without needing someone. Learn to be alone, learn not to depend on anyone.

It is possible that you are afraid of loneliness, but is it worth being with someone just for fear of walking alone? This person may give you confidence and security, but the relationships you’ve built will be destructive.

woman drawing bird

Don’t allow yourself the luxury of being unhappy in your life, because in your hands is the chance to be happy for yourself. Free yourself from any ties and find yourself with your inner self. He will never leave you and will always be with you. Without you… I can exist. Without you, I’m still me.

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