You Are Not The One Who Achieves, You Are The One Who Excels

You are not the one who accomplishes, you are the one who surpasses

Sometimes, we tend to fall into the false belief that it is necessary to accumulate many achievements in life. We human beings set short-term and long-term goals for ourselves on a daily basis, and that, without a doubt, is very good. It is also very positive to wake up in the morning with motivation and imagination.

We love to accomplish goals and demonstrate to ourselves what we are capable of : getting a job, a promotion, buying a house, a car, winning the woman or man of your dreams. Let’s build and build our life based on small and big achievements. But does all that we achieve really define us throughout life?

Many of us will say yes. However, there is an even better value than the ability to gain new achievements. Guess what it is? It’s the ability to overcome. What we assume, however painful it is, and which we finally manage to overcome, making ourselves stronger.

Let’s talk about it today, let’s understand this interesting and fundamental capacity a little better.

The difference between achieving and overcoming

Let us differentiate, in the first place, the capacity for personal achievement and self-improvement. To better understand, let’s define through a few simple statements what generally builds the will to do that, day after day, is so valued in this competitive society in which we live.

– The ability to achieve is the effort and what a person is willing to invest to achieve a goal.

– This is usually a personality who has very clear his desires and needs, and who fights for them, maintaining high expectations of achievement.

– It requires  dedication and tenacity.

– They set their daily lives through goals to be met. This is where great self-demand is implied .

– People with a high capacity for achievement generally tend to be professionally successful.

These are, without a doubt, some very positive dimensions, as they boost our self-esteem and remarkably strengthen our perception of ourselves. Well then, could we say that it is precisely our capacity for achievement that best defines us as people? Are these really enriching traits?

It is often said that the real strength, the best courage of a person, is his ability to overcome adversity. And, even more, to overcome their own fears, their own limitations, those that only we know. That personal effort that is sometimes much more satisfying than accomplishing a goal.

personal overcoming

The pillars of self-improvement

“You are not the one who accomplishes, but the one who overcomes”. And now tell me… what have you overcome in your life? We are sure that you have already overcome many things, that you have faced countless difficulties, difficulties that define you as you are, exactly the way you see yourself in front of the mirror. With all the internal scars that only you notice. Now let’s see what dimensions usually build this instinctive capacity that many of us have to overcome these daily “walls”, which often give us the gift of life:

1. Positive attitude

Having a positive attitude is essential to overcome any difficulties. Maintaining wholeness and hope gives us strength to be courageous; to trust ourselves.

2. Confrontation

These gaps, these threats, problems or losses that we sometimes struggle against are enemies that we must deal with, but never avoid. Join your forces, trust yourself and face it, never escape or run away from problems.

3. Resilience

We’ve talked about resilience many times in our writings. So much so that we already know how to apply it in our daily lives. No matter how traumatic the event was, how complicated or devastating… From every difficult condition we can learn and come out of the process strengthened. There is nothing more enriching than overcoming any stressful or threatening situation with resilience.

4. Self-esteem

How would we define self-esteem in a simple and at the same time practical way? Self-esteem is a scale on which confidence, self-respect, the will to live and to be happy with what we have and deserve are raised.

We are sure you agree.

5. Positive emotions

Positive emotions make us flourish while holding us to our reality through empathy, love, balance, well-being and Emotional Intelligence.

All these dimensions are seeds with which we must germinate our capacity to overcome, one of the most enriching dimensions of the human being. Put them into practice!

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