You Will Always Be With Me

you will always be with me

You were a wonderful person and I was someone who likes to absorb everything others can give me. This is the main reason why I said it would be forever, even when you were no longer here.

Furthermore, I am a person who speaks little, but when I have the courage to say something important, I take the risks that this entails.

You who were in my life and helped me make sense of it, will always be with me.


you took a piece of me

One of the consequences of giving my unconditional support is precisely to write to you now that you are no longer here.

I wanted to tell you that you helped me grow as a person. When we plan a future with someone else, their absence makes us grow.

Learning to be without you made me realize that not all distance is absence, not all silence is oblivion. Actually, I’ve matured, but I haven’t learned to say goodbye.

I refuse to believe that a goodbye makes us more mature. You took a piece of me and even though we treat each other like strangers I don’t know and don’t even want to let go of someone who is part of who I am.

Your memories deserve to be here

With each passing day, I am more certain that we are the stories, the people and the memories that marked our lives. We relive through memories: we remember happy moments and we smile, we look for sad memories and we suffer.

“And when we shake our ‘memory box’, it’s the memories that  end up shaking us…”

-Andres Castuera Micher-


When I said it was forever, I knew our fond memories deserved to be kept. No matter what happened between us, they have so much value to me that I would cross the world if I had to.

When I say it’s forever I don’t mean that I still love him, but that it doesn’t matter how we are today. Even though I’m no longer here, it was very important to meet you and I’ll never forget you.

In the heart there is always room to keep good feelings and good memories

A “forever” is proof that the heart can be any size we want. I know when you passed through my life, you made it bigger, but when you left I didn’t let it diminish.

What happened to me happens to other people throughout life: there is always room in the heart for good memories and we have the power to prioritize them.

Keeping a “forever” can be difficult, but remember that the things that value us are the ones that cost us the most effort.

Over time I realized that having someone who loves us in a difficult time is all we need. That’s why there are people like you, that my heart doesn’t forget because it doesn’t want to forget.

Now I know that keeping that “forever” I promised you is not an effort, but thanking, forgiving and realizing who I was and who I am today.

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