Your Heart Is Free… Be Bold Enough To Listen To It

Your heart is free... have the courage to listen to it

The heart is free, and our true freedom is in it. Only he knows what you really want and want at all times. However, you have to be bold enough to listen to him, because you won’t always like what he has to say. So be brave and find out what he wants to communicate.

Your heart will know what you need, even though you feel lost. You just need to listen to it calmly and it will reveal its message. Don’t be deaf for fear of your response or because your fears come into play. Stop and listen to him; he has many things to tell you.

Your heart is free, listen to it, don’t settle

A very common trend among people in socially advanced societies is self-indulgence. That is, having food, work, housing and living a life that is considered “normal” makes many settle down. In fact, these are the goals of millions of people.

Unfortunately this way of thinking is transmitted to us from childhood. Who hasn’t heard your mother say “study hard so that tomorrow you’ll have a good job”? In this way, having a comfortable life becomes a priority for us.

However, in many cases, the fact of living a comfortable life means not listening to the heart, and this has catastrophic implications for our lives. It’s not always that freedom and tranquility go together.


A heart is free, so it always knows what we really need. However, society is not governed by the paths of dreams and what we really want, so it is difficult to pay attention to our wishes in such a complex world, full of obligations, rules and demands.

It is important to learn to listen to the heart at all times. It is necessary to make life be governed by the true desires he feels. Only then will you have freedom. However, if you ignore it and get carried away by the obligations, little by little you will forget the importance of listening to those who know intimately what you want in life.

listening to your heart will make you free

There are many reasons why listening to your heart will set you free and allow you to live a much fuller and happier life. If you want to know them, I’ll share some that can be of great help for you to feel a more fulfilled person:

  • If you are looking for a job for the money, it will always be a burden and you will never truly enjoy it. However, if you pursue what you always dreamed of, what you enjoy, you will never consider it a job, and the responsibilities and demands will turn into exciting challenges and a willingness to learn.
  • If you’ve always wanted to travel and feel free, look no further. It’s normal to want to have a home of your own, for example, but someday it may end up preventing you from moving through the wonderful world in which we live. Remember that there are leases and modalities that hold much less.
  • You may want to have a family, but you must choose the time. Don’t rush, but don’t be late either. Just listen to your heart, because only it has the true answer to what you intimately desire. Don’t let something as wonderful as loving your partner or your children become a burden or an obligation.
girl with heart balloons

your heart is free

Only your heart is free, and therefore hearing it makes you free too. Never turn your back on him. Don’t let obligations blind you so much that you won’t be able to hear your voice. It is never good to use only your head, as logic is necessary, but feelings, dreams and emotions, too.

Never forget that your heart is free. Listening to him is very necessary, because your happiness in the world depends on it. Don’t get carried away by events and always keep in mind your needs, desires and dreams. Only then will you enjoy the full life you’ve always imagined. It doesn’t have to be impossible, because nothing is impossible.

Image courtesy of Amanda Cass.

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